Table of Contents
Delve into the essence of the Crown Chakra and discover methods to open, balance, and align this spiritual energy center. Unlock the transformative power of connecting with higher consciousness and achieving mental clarity. Elevate your spiritual journey with insights on unlocking the potential of the Crown Chakra.
Crown Chakra Explained
The Crown Chakra is the last of the seven chakras or energy centers located at the top of the head, representing spiritual consciousness and transformation.
Outline of the Crown Chakra
Location: Top of Head (cerebral cortex)
Crown Chakra Symbol: Lotus with a thousand petals.
Associated color: Purple Chakra to White (contains all colors)
Element: Thought
Bija Mantra (seed syllable): none (silence)
Affirmations: Crown Chakra Affirmations
Sanskrit name (meaning): Sahasrara(meaning: root, foundation)
Purpose: Enlightenment, Consciousness, Awareness, or Spiritual Connection
Endocrine gland: Pineal
Associated crystals: Crown Chakra Crystals such as Amethyst, Selenite and Moonstone
Origins of the Crown Chakra
The Chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BCE. The ancient text, the Vedas, is the first to introduce the seven primary chakras. Concepts of the seven chakras came to the Western world in the 1880s from tantric yoga traditions and are still being used today due to their extensive benefits.
The word chakra is a “spinning wheel” of energy that runs up and down the spine. Each energy transducer relates to different emotional and physical functions in the human body.
The Crown Chakra is the last of the seven chakras or energy centers located at the top of the head, representing spiritual consciousness and transformation.
In Sanskrit, the Sacral Chakra is called the Sahasrara Chakra, which translates to “thousand-petals” in English, representing a thousand-petaled lotus flower. The Sahasrara is the entry point for human life force pouring into the body’s energy system from the universe.
The Crown Chakra is the highest. It comes after the other six chakras, including the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, and Third Eye Chakra. The Crown Chakra and lower chakras make up the subtle energy system.
Functions of the Crown Chakra
The seventh chakra plays an essential role in the chakra energy system. Surrounding the crown of your head, the Crown Chakra represents universal consciousness. It influences brain functions, including intelligence, focus, and memory.
When Crown Chakras open, people often experience spiritual growth, infinite wisdom, and higher consciousness. An open Crown Chakra gives people a sense of unity, power, and self-knowledge by strengthening their connection to their spirit or soul.
Enlightened wisdom and spiritual power help people better understand the physical world around them. This can support a positive outlook on life and help you overcome obstacles in their day-to-day life.
Life-force energy lies dormant at the base of the spine until it is awakened through wellness practices, such as meditation and Crown Chakra yoga poses.
When energy flows freely through the body, individuals often experience heightened mental clarity, spirituality, divine wisdom, and connection to their higher self.
An underactive and overactive Crown Chakra can negatively impact physical and mental health.
Physical Symptoms
Poor coordination
Mental Symptoms
Lack of focus
Poor connection to the external world
Emotional blockages
Those experiencing these symptoms may have an imbalanced or underactive Crown chakra. Practice some of our recommended crown Chakra healing exercises so energy can flow freely through the physical body.
How to Heal Your Seventh Chakra
Life-force energy radiating upwards through the Sahasrara chakra helps balance the Crown chakra. Many practices can fix Crown Chakra imbalance and support overall well-being. Here are some exercises that heal the seventh chakra:
Repeat Affirmations
Repeating positive affirmations aloud, mentally, or in writing can cleanse negative energy and thought patterns to create positive ones. Here are some affirmations that support the health of one's Third Eye chakra:
"I connect easily with spirit."
"I am in clarity of my inner knowing."
"I am pure light and love."
Practice Crown Chakra Yoga Poses
Practicing yoga helps open the seventh chakra, allowing Crown Chakra energy to flow freely through the body. Here are three great yoga poses that will assist in healthy alignment of the Chakra:
Lotus (Padmasana): Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Bend your right knee in toward your chest, then bend your left, and draw your knees in as close together as you can. Rest your hands on your knees with your palms facing up. Hold for one minute or throughout your meditation or pranayama if applicable.
Supported shoulder stand (Salamba Sarvangasana): Begin sitting up. Roll backward, putting weight into your upper arms. Bend your elbows and place your hands on your lower back. When comfortable and balanced, straighten your legs, making a vertical line. Take three to five breaths and exit the yoga pose.
Reclined Bound Angle pose (Supta Baddha Konasana): Lie on your back and bend your legs so your feet are flat. Gently open your knees and press the soles of your feet together. This is a restorative yoga pose, so hold this position for as long as you want.
Essential Oils
Certain essential oils are effective for opening the Crown Chakra. These can be put in a diffuser, diluted and put on the skin of the chakra location or used in other creative ways.
Some of the oils proven effective when the chakra is blocked include:
Chinese Rice Flower (Aglaia Odorata): Supports spiritual growth and wisdom.
White Lotus Flower (Nelumbo Nucifera): Reinforces lessons from the other six chakras supporting complete consciousness.
Additional Crown Chakra exercises for balance include chakra meditation, physical activity, and educating oneself through books and podcasts. Start chakra balancing by connecting to the self, others, and the greater universe.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the meaning of white Crown Chakra?
The Crown Chakra is the spiritual center, our connection to divine Awareness, and our whole being or Higher Self. The realm of potentiality and the source of creation, from which the material world manifests.
The Crown Chakra color is white, containing all the spectrum colors. Wearing white clothing is said to amplify your whole aura.
How do you protect your Crown Chakra?
People can protect their Crown Chakra by practicing chakra opening and healing exercises. Maintaining psychic boundaries and performing Crown Chakra meditation can prevent negative or harmful energy.
Traditionally, a head covering, such as a scarf or a turban, is worn to help stabilize the bones of the skull and contain and protect the energy flowing at the crown of the head.
Another method is chakra healing stones or crystals. These can be used by placing them over the chakra during meditation, distributing them around the home, wearing them as jewelry, or carrying them with you. Some chakra crystals that help protect and heal the Crown Chakra include:
Clear Quartz: Clears negative energy, bringing balance to the chakra system.
Lepidolite: Works as a bridge to higher consciousness, supporting inner wisdom and spirituality.
Labradorite: Work across all the higher chakras and helps a person connect with their highest self.
Why is my Crown Chakra tingling?
If the crown of your head is tingling, it could be a sign that your Crown Chakra is opening or aligning to a new position. During this time, you may have an overactive Crown Chakra. This happens when too much energy flows through your head's crown.
Additional potential symptoms of an opening Sahasrara Chakra include headaches and dizziness. Following the physical symptoms, it is likely that you will experience a change in thought patterns and a disconnection from the physical body and earthly matters.
A Complete Guide to the Chakras and Their Effects on the Mind, Body and Spirit
Chakras: Energy Centers of Transformation
The contents of this article are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any health-related changes or if you have any questions or concerns about your health. Anahana is not liable for any errors, omissions, or consequences that may occur from using the information provided.

By: Meriah McCauley
Meriah McCauley is passionate about the art and science of holistic health and healing. She explored the power of yoga through working with her mentor and guru Dr. Don Stapleton in Costa Rica. She also received a Masters in Psychology from Columbia University, specializing in Spirituality and the MindBody connection. Meriah now offers coaching, yoga teacher trainings, and Holotropic Breathwork for personal development. She loves to connect with those on this path.