Wellbeing Blog

Wim Hof Method, Science, Benefits, Explained, Cold Plunge

Written by Clint Johnson | January 13, 2024

Dutch extreme athlete Wim Hof developed a unique method and way of life centered around three pillars: breathing, cold therapy, and commitment. According to Hof, everyone is born with the potential for strength, happiness, and health, and his method is designed to help individuals tap into this innate power through the power of their mind.

Principles of The Wim Hof Method

Wim Hof acknowledges that our disconnection from the natural world has caused us to lose touch with our innate physiological survival mechanisms and our inner selves.

Through years of self-exploration and scientific research, Hof has developed a method to help individuals reconnect with themselves and awaken their deep physiological processes. This method empowers individuals to overcome perceived limitations and reach new mental and physical heights.

The Wim Hof Method consists of three pillars: breathing, cold therapy, and mindset/commitment. Ideally, these pillars are used together but can be used independently when needed. By incorporating these practices into daily life, individuals can tap into their inner strength and unleash their full potential.


The first pillar of the Wim Hof Method involves a special breathing technique that Wim has developed, which comprises powerful inhalations, relaxed and short exhalations, and long breath holds. 

This technique is designed to increase oxygen levels in the body, providing numerous benefits such as increased energy, reduced stress, and a strengthened immune response.

Cold Therapy

The second pillar of the Wim Hof Method is cold exposure. This involves subjecting the body to uncomfortably cold water or cold conditions for a period of time, which has numerous benefits. These include an increase in brown adipose tissue, reduced inflammation, a strengthened immune response, balanced hormones, and increased dopamine levels.


The final pillar of the Wim Hof Method is a commitment to mastering your body and mind through a strong mindset. Wim recognizes that incorporating breath work and cold therapy into your weekly routine requires dedication, focus, and determination. 

By committing to the practice, individuals can develop mental toughness and resilience, which can translate into various areas of their lives.

Wim Hof Breathing Method

The Wim Hof breathing technique involves three rounds of strong inhalations, followed by relaxed exhalations and breath holds. This breathing exercise can be practiced alone or with cold therapy. 

The specialized breathing technique aims to gain mastery over the cardiovascular, nervous, and immune systems by increasing oxygen levels in the body. Through regular practice, individuals can improve their overall health and well-being.

The Method of Breathing Exercises

  1. Inhale deeply through the nose
  2. Exhale slowly through the mouth 
  3. Repeat this pattern for 30 breaths 
  4. Once 30 breath cycles are complete, exhale to 90% capacity and hold your breath as long as possible 
  5. When your body needs to take another breath, inhale fully for a recovery breath and hold that for 15 seconds before releasing. This is called controlled hyperventilation
  6. Complete this process two more times.

Ensuring you breathe correctly by engaging your diaphragm and deep breathing through your belly is important. An easy way to check or remind yourself is to keep your hand on your belly and ensure it rises during inhalation and flattens during exhalation.  


The Wim Hof breathing method has many positive mental and physiological effects. Your body is being asked to consume a lot of new oxygen quickly, which reduces carbon dioxide and allows the cells in your body to produce larger amounts of ATP (an organic compound that provides energy to drive many processes in cells). 

This increase in oxygen generates energy in the body, leading to increased energy levels.

This method of breathing is an example of positive stress. It induces the "fight-or-flight" response, which releases adrenaline in your body and increases focus.

This positive stress allows your body to practice staying calm and focused during physiological stress, leading to increased resilience in other stressful situations. This technique also creates temporary blood alkalosis, increasing an individual's pain threshold. Additional benefits of the Wim Hof breathing method include the following:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Regulation of autonomic function
  • Improved cellular energy production
  • Increased focus and adrenaline release
  • Increased resilience to stress
  • Increased pain threshold
  • Induces relaxation and calmness
  • Lowers high blood pressure
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Helps center the mind and body.

Wim Hof Cold Exposure Method

In our modern society, where comfort is highly valued, Wim Hof emphasizes that comfort does not equate to health. Cold exposure, one of his method's pillars, is very beneficial for the body, as it elicits a positive stress response similar to breath training.

This positive stress response triggered by cold exposure can significantly release endorphins and other "feel-good" hormones, which can boost focus and energy. Additionally, cold exposure can improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and enhance immune function

The Method

To start with cold exposure, a gradual approach is recommended. You can add cold showers at the end of your regular showers, starting with 30 seconds and slowly increasing the duration until you can withstand longer cold exposure, ideally 10 minutes. You can also try taking ice baths or continuing with the cold shower method.

When cold exposure becomes easy, a more precise protocol can help you maximize its benefits. Research has shown that deliberate cold exposure for 11+ minutes per week in uncomfortably cold water has the greatest benefits. It is important to expose the whole body, from the neck down, and to do it earlier in the day when your body isn't cooling down in preparation for sleep.

To maximize the metabolic benefits of cold exposure, allowing your body to reheat independently and even get to the point of shivering is important. Shivering releases succinate from muscles, activating brown adipose tissue thermogenesis.

Preparing mentally before entering cold water is crucial for all forms of cold exposure. Stay relaxed, avoid tensing your body, and focus on your breath.

Cold exposure trains your circulatory system to supply oxygen and energy more efficiently to the body, leading to increased vitality, energy, and overall well-being. 

It also positively impacts the immune system, strengthening it and allowing for voluntary activation of the autonomic nervous system, which was previously believed to be impossible. Combining these benefits can help flush the system and leave you feeling invigorated.

Benefits of the Wim Hof Method

There are vast health benefits, both physical and mental benefits, to implementing the Wim Hof Method. They range from increased energy, lowered inflammation, better sleep, and increased dopamine. Many of these benefits have been backed by scientific studies.  

Physical Benefits      


The Wim Hof Method has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects on the body. A study was conducted on adults with inflammatory joint disease, and those who completed an 8-week course of the Wim Hof Method had a reduction in inflammatory markers compared to the control group.

Another study showed that practicing the Wim Hof breathing method can activate the sympathetic nervous system, increasing epinephrine and producing anti-inflammatory mediators. 

This indicates that the Wim Hof Method may help attenuate inflammation and enhance the body's immune response. Additionally, the practice of meditation has also been shown to have similar anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

Athletic Performance & Recovery Tool

Research has demonstrated the benefits of the Wim Hof Method on physical performance. One study examined the effects of Wim Hof breathing on cyclists and found that it shortened the time needed for oxygen delivery to respond to the VO2 max test and reduced their rate of perceived exertion while improving repeated sprint ability with repeated sprint training.

The Wim Hof Method has also been found to be an effective recovery tool for high-intensity exercise. Studies have shown that it can improve muscular power, reduce muscle soreness, decrease creatine kinase levels (the enzyme released into muscles after exercise-induced damage), and improve perceived recovery. Cold exposure, in particular, is effective in this regard.

Control of the Nervous System

In a groundbreaking study, Wim Hof was injected with flu-inducing endotoxins to test the effectiveness of his method. The results were astonishing. He could control his autonomic immune response, raising his cortisol levels and lowering his inflammatory response.

Following this, 12 other individuals were trained in the Wim Hof Method to see if they could achieve the same response. After just four days of training and scientific observation, it was shown that the participants' autonomic nervous and immune systems were also positively influenced.


Cold exposure significantly impacts increasing metabolism, particularly through the Søeberg Principle, which involves making your body reheat independently. Shivering releases succinate from muscles, which activates brown fat thermogenesis, aiding metabolism and potentially contributing to fat loss.

Strengthens Immune System

Breathing techniques, Wim believes, heighten the body's oxygen levels resulting in more energy and immunity. Studies have found that the techniques can increase the production of certain immune cells, such as lymphocytes and cytokines, which help the body fight off infections and diseases. 

The breathing exercises are also believed to stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory mediators, which can reduce inflammation and improve immune function. Cold exposure also stimulates white blood cell production and increases the body's resistance to infection.

Cold exposure also activates the sympathetic nervous system, which is involved in the body's fight-or-flight response and has been shown to impact immune function.

Mental Benefits

Improve Mental Health & Stress Response

A study on the Wim Hof method's ability to reduce stress responses during an Antarctic expedition showed that participants who underwent eight weeks of training significantly decreased stress responses. 

This was indicated by reduced depressive symptoms and cortisol levels. The decrease in cortisol suggests that the Wim Hof method can improve the hormonal system's adaptability, enabling the body to respond better to circadian rhythm changes.

Increase Happiness

Both breathing and cold exposure can contribute to an improved mood. Cold exposure has been shown to increase dopamine release, which is commonly referred to as the happiness hormone. This can enhance focus and attention, elevate mood, and aid in goal-setting and motivation.

In addition to the benefits mentioned earlier, practicing the Wim Hof Method can also lead to increased athletic performance, improved sleep quality, increased pain tolerance, decreased insomnia, improved blood circulation, and many other benefits.  

Wim Hof Technique Contraindictions

While there are many benefits to the Wim Hof technique, it is not suitable for everyone. Some of the contraindications include:

  • Cardiovascular disease: Cold exposure and deep breathing techniques can increase blood pressure and heart rate, so individuals with cardiovascular disease should consult their doctor before attempting the Wim Hof Method.

  • Pregnancy: Pregnant women should avoid the Wim Hof Method, particularly cold exposure, as it can stress the fetus.

  • Epilepsy: Deep breathing can cause hyperventilation, triggering seizures in individuals with epilepsy.

  • Raynaud's disease: Cold exposure can exacerbate symptoms of Raynaud's disease, characterized by spasms in the blood vessels of the fingers and toes.

  • Chronic respiratory conditions: Individuals with chronic respiratory conditions, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), should use caution when attempting the Wim Hof Method, as deep breathing exercises may exacerbate symptoms.

  • Autoimmune disease: Increased immune system activation could worsen autoimmune disease conditions. 

Ultimately, it's recommended that individuals with health problems consult with a healthcare professional before practicing the Wim Hof Method.

Who is Wim Hof?

Wim Hof, also known as "The Iceman," is a Dutch extreme athlete and motivational speaker who has accomplished many remarkable feats in extremely cold environments. 

He climbed Mount Everest past the "death zone" wearing only shorts and shoes in 2007, completed a full marathon at -20℃ above the arctic circle wearing just a t-shirt, and holds the record for the longest ice bath of just under 2 hours. 

Still, Hof's accomplishments go beyond extreme cold environments. He ran a marathon in the Namib Desert without water, showcasing his endurance and resilience. Hof's ability to accomplish these incredible feats has led scientists to label him a genetic misfit and a scientific mystery. 

Despite this, many studies have been conducted on him, revealing that he has developed a method that taps into the powerful physiological processes within every individual, enabling them to achieve extraordinary levels of human ability.


A novel Wim Hof psychophysiological training program to reduce stress responses during an Antarctic expedition 

An add-on training program involving breathing exercises, cold exposure, and meditation attenuates inflammation and disease activity in axial spondyloarthritis – A proof of concept trial | PLOS ONE

Creatine Kinase (CK): What It Is, Purpose & Procedure

Wim Hof Breathing: Method, Benefits, and More

What is the Wim Hof Method? | Practice The Method

The Science & Use of Cold Exposure for Health & Performance - Huberman Lab


Regular ice baths | Wim Hof Method.

Impact of Cold-Water Immersion Compared with Passive Recovery Following a Single

Bout of Strenuous Exercise on Athletic Performance in Physically Active Participants: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis and Meta-regression | SpringerLink

Voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system and attenuation of the innate immune response in humans - PMC

Original Article Warm-up breathing exercises accelerate VO2 kinetics and reduce subjective strain during incremental cycling exe


The contents of this article are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any health-related changes or if you have any questions or concerns about your health. Anahana is not liable for any errors, omissions, or consequences that may occur from using the information provided.