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The Hermit encourages a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Discover its deeper meanings and symbology.
The Hermit Tarot Card Description
"If the Hermit seemed to plunge into the nether World of the unconscious, he was certain to encounter many of his own thought forms, even if they hid behind conventionalized symbolism. The freedom of interpretation Allowed by Tarot symbols left plenty of room for the preverbal, mythographic language of any individual to make its own statement. Some claim that this is the whole secret of the Tarot. Like contemplation in the wilderness hermitage, solitary contemplation of the Tarot could lead to new kinds of insight." Barbara G. Walker, The secrets of the tarot: origins, history, and symbolism (1984)
The Hermit tarot card symbolizes introspection, solitude, and wisdom. It represents a journey of self-discovery, urging reflection and the search for knowledge and deeper truths, often indicating a period of personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.
Key Takeaways
The Hermit tarot card emphasizes introspection, solitude, and inner wisdom, advocating a journey towards self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment.
It symbolizes the balance between solitude and community, highlighting the importance of self-care and personal space in maintaining healthy relationships and professional satisfaction.
The Hermit is associated with the zodiac sign Virgo and features prominently in the Major Arcana as card number IX.
In reversed position, The Hermit warns against excessive isolation which can lead to loneliness and disconnection.
- Upright: Spiritual journey, introspection, soul searching, solitude, inner wisdom
- Reversed: Isolation, withdrawal, loneliness
Celestial Influence
Try meditating on the Hermit card while holding Hematite to channel more reflection and connection. Hematite is associated with the zodiac, Virgo.
Symbology of The Hermit Tarot Card
The gentle glow of the Hermit's lantern offers clarity and guidance in the darkness. This symbolizes the illumination of inner wisdom, a light which guides us through introspection and inner exploration.
Cloaked in gentle, flowing robes, the Hermit reflects the tranquility of solitude. These robes represent a retreat from the noise of the world, providing a space for quiet contemplation and inner peace.
By the Hermit's side stands a sturdy staff, a silent companion on the journey. It signifies the strength and resilience cultivated through inner reflection, and the support it provides on our individual journeys.
The Upright Hermit: Interpretations and Meanings
We need time for ourselves, even when in a relationship. If you see the Hermit in a love reading, the following reflections might resonate with you:
Love and Relationships
The upright Hermit offers you a path towards self-love and acceptance. If it feels right, consider using this time to learn more about your own needs and desires, rather than focusing on finding love externally.
If you have found love, try to honor your need for alone time and self-care, while maintaining loving and open communication with your partner. Often, when we neglect our own needs, our relationships aren’t able to fully thrive either. Carve out time for yourself, even if it is a calming bubble bath, or a solo dance party (a personal fave!).
Career and Finances
Since the Hermit represents such a hyper-independent figure, it is always interesting to see him pop up in a career tarot reading.
The Hermit upright might be telling you that finding a job that aligns with your values and needs is a priority. Maybe you often find yourself in roles that involve countless meetings, events, and presentations. If you find these interactions draining, you might consider embracing your more independent side. Look for roles that allow you the freedom and space to work and create without interruptions.
If you are already working, the Hermit comes as a gentle reminder that it is okay to ask for breaks, time off, and focus time. Back-to-back meetings might not always allow for you to sit down and catch up on your daily tasks, or to think creatively. Try to find time for yourself in your workday if there is the flexibility to do so.
The Reversed Hermit: Warnings and Challenges
A lot of the above interpretations will apply here, but with a greater inner resistance or discomfort with solitude:
Love and Relationships
If you are feeling lonely or disconnected, try to prioritize identifying where those feelings come from. What needs are you hoping to be met? Use this time for deepening the love you have for yourself, because believe me, there is plenty there to love!
If you are currently in a relationship where either you or are partner is withdrawing, try to approach this conversation from a place of openness. Sometimes dynamics within relationships change where there’s more time apart. That is okay, so long as you are both on the same page and continue to set aside time for connection.
Career and Finances
While being independent is a sign of resilience, it may not always serve us when done in extremes. The Hermit in reverse might appear in a career reading during times of isolation and stress. Know that this difficult period will pass and it's a part of everyday life for many. Try to be gentle with yourself, and seek support from loved ones. Chances are they will happily remind you of how wonderful you are. Keep going!
The Hermit might also be encouraging you to put yourself out there more. Chances are you have great ideas and others will never know them if you don’t share. Similarly, you may have a tendency to try to problem-solve on your own, rather than asking for help. While being self sufficient is admirable, it can sometimes put unnecessary pressure on you. Reaching out for help can also be a sign of strength.
Departing Wisdom from The Hermit
We can view the Hermit as a spiritual teacher. He is all about staying true to himself, honoring his needs, and learning from past experiences (even the uncomfortable ones). You deserve some time for self-care and tuning into your inner voice. What might it be telling you?
In the case of the Hermit reversed, try not to take your self reflection practice to the extreme. Spending time alone with our thoughts can be informative and healing, but too much of anything in life has its downsides.
Mantra: I am here to remind you of the depth and beauty of your inner world.
The Way of Tarot | Alejandro Jodorowsky,
The Marseille Tarot Revealed A Complete Guide to Symbolism, Meanings & Methods | Yoav Ben-Dov
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot | Arthur Edward Waite
The contents of this article are provided for informational purposes only. Take what resonates with you and leave behind anything that doesn't. Anahana is not liable for any interpretations, insights, or outcomes that may arise from using the information provided.

By: Sydney Garden
Sydney is a skilled writer and editor at Anahana with a diverse educational and professional background. Sydney received her BA (Honors) in Communications from Toronto Metropolitan University and is furthering her education by pursuing her MSc in Human Resource Management at the University of Stirling.