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Embrace a healthier, more productive work environment: discover the transformative power of workplace wellness programs for employees and companies alike.
Improving Workplace Wellness
Today, more than ever before, a focus on mental health and holistic wellness is the new norm for the workplace. This is mainly due to the wave of prospective employees currently entering the job market; the millennials and Gen Zs.
With good reason, these employees are looking for work environments that cater to their flexible, yet wellness-focused lifestyles. Of course, at its core, the concept of workplace wellness is for everyone. From top-level management to C-level employees, every individual can gain from a better working environment.
In the following guide, we will explain what workplace wellness represents when done right, the many benefits you can expect from cultivating workplace wellness, and exactly how to adopt a new wellness program for the benefit of both employees and your company's bottom line.
What is Workplace Wellness?
In distinct settings, the term workplace wellness can mean different things. Generally speaking, it refers to a work environment conducive to the health and well-being of all employees and others within it. More formally, workplace wellness and health promotion programs are defined in the following way according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC):
“A coordinated and comprehensive set of health promotion and protection strategies implemented at the worksite that includes programs, policies, benefits, environmental supports, and links to the surrounding community designed to encourage the health and safety of all employees.”
Of course, there is also the idea that employees themselves can create and cultivate workplace wellness in their own right. This can be facilitated by focusing on better eating habits, promoting more movement throughout the workday, and developing crucial wellness habits such as mindfulness, yoga, and meditation.
Why is Workplace Wellness Important?
An average employee spends approximately 50 hours of their week at work. That’s about one third of one’s waking life every year. Furthermore, workers will consume about one third of all their meals at work.
In other words, the workplace is almost like a second home for most of us.
It makes sense that the work environment should be a place where employees can feel comfortable, valued, and nurtured. After all, if work is only stressful and over-demanding with no respite, this can lead to severe problems, both mentally and physically.
In turn, the issues that result will be negative for employees and their livelihoods. But they’re also bad for the organizations they work for.
Fortunately, workplace wellness has transformed the way companies think about their businesses. Workspaces are even being built to reflect the new awareness of wellness at work.
Offices are more open and brighter. Break rooms are stocked with healthier snacks. There are comfortable spaces to relax and find a quiet time. Lighting is less harsh.
All of these details and others play an essential role in a workplace culture that is focused on health and well-being.
Physical Health and Absenteeism, Stress, and Productivity
It's a vicious cycle when the physical and mental health of employees is not valued in the workplace. Employees who are overworked, overstressed, and undervalued are more likely to get sick. They are also more likely to take time off even if they aren't physically ill.
From the perspective of an employer, this results in a high rate of absenteeism along with an unmotivated team of employees. Not only is it more likely that the productivity within your organization will decrease as a result, but your workforce itself will likely decrease as employees will begin to look elsewhere for a work environment that focuses more on wellness.
A recent Gallup poll supports this, revealing that excess stress at work causes workers to be almost three times more likely to leave their jobs.
Unfortunately, excess stress from work is relatively common. Most often, it occurs when there isn’t time for rest and reflection at work, when healthy habits are not encouraged, and when workers don’t feel appreciated and heard by their employers.
Both workers and employers should consider reducing stress at work to improve their well-being and the success of the organization overall.
An evolving workforce
As baby boomers retire, millennial and Gen Z workers are flooding the workforce. These young employees have different expectations when it comes to their work environments. Not only are they looking for a more flexible, homelike atmosphere at their place of employment, but they are also demanding employers that are focused on wellness and physical and employees mental health too.
This means that as an employer if you want to retain the top workers of these generations, it is imperative that you address these issues by providing a robust health care plan and creating stimulating, healthy, and satisfying work environments.
Unfortunately, when this isn't the case, both millennials and Gen Zs are all too prepared to quit and look elsewhere for employment.
How to achieve workplace wellness
To achieve workplace wellness is a task on its own and requires efforts from both employee and employer. Below we will break down some of the different elements on how you can achieve workplace wellness and incorporate corporate well-being, while also improving stress management at work.
Workplace wellness initiatives for employers
We'll discuss fundamental ways to implement a workplace wellness program further ahead, but for now, here are some initial steps you should take if you are interested in creating a wellness program within your company:
Survey your team
Instead of creating a wellness program behind closed doors and revealing it all at once, get some feedback from your team first. This might mean starting with upper management and asking them what they would like to see in a workplace wellness program.
But you should also ask everyone down to the lowest-level employee at your company. Here are some questions to pose:
Is it easy to maintain a healthy lifestyle at your job currently?
How could it be better?
Is it easy to find healthy snacks at or around work?
Are you able to take breaks to integrate some physical movement throughout your day?
What kind of physical activity would incentivize you to move more while at work?
Is there a place you can go to clear your head and get some mental rest when you need it?
1. Come up with a plan.
Next, use the survey information you've gathered and develop a wellness plan that works for you and that you think your employees will embrace. Remember that it's okay to start small. For example, you might do something such as offering healthier snacks in the break room refrigerator or buying water bottles for all of your employees.
If you'd like to create an incentive program that brings some competition into the mix, again, start small. Hand out pedometers and develop teams. See which team can get the most steps in a week for a prize.
Taking things to the next level, consider investing in some wellness classes for your employees. Corporate yoga or Pilates classes, meditation courses, and other educational programs are a great way to get people moving and motivated.
2. Educate and launch your plan.
Now that you have a plan in the works, reveal it to your employees so that they know what to expect. Be sure to allow your employees to ask questions when they have them so that the parameters and options available within the wellness program you've created are clear and well defined.
3. Assess.
After implementing a baseline program, check back in with your employees and see what they think. Create another survey, or hold a company-wide meeting where employees can voice their opinions.
From there, you can return to the drawing board and either save or scrap some or all of the steps you've taken thus far, adding additional programs and incentives as the need becomes apparent.
At-work Wellness Tips for Employees
1. When job hunting, look for employers who focus on wellness.
If you are in between jobs right now, look for an employer who is going to focus on wellness in the workplace by offering a corporate wellness program. During the interview process, remember that asking about health and wellness programs and incentives is perfectly acceptable.
Employers know that this is something quality workers are looking for, and they'll want to show you that it's an area they stress.
2. Take advantage of any corporate wellness programs or incentives your workplace offers.
Currently, the implementation of corporate welfare programs is on the rise, and many employers have gotten the memo that a focus on overall workplace health promotion, and wellness is what employees want.
Still, many workers don't take advantage of the opportunities presented to them, especially employee wellness programs.
If your employer offers an employee wellness program or any type of incentive for partaking in healthier habits, take advantage of it.
If you're unaware of such opportunities, you might need to do a little digging. Talk to your human resources representative to see if anything is available.
Such incentives may be offered directly through your employer or your workplace’s health insurance provider.
3. Take the breaks and vacations given to you.
Government guidelines require that all workers receive a minimum number of breaks, a set amount of time for lunch, and a prescribed number of vacation days.
Still, many employees won't take these breaks and rests. It's not uncommon for workers to work through their lunches, postpone breaks, and rack up vacation days that they never use.
Daily breaks and regular vacations are integral to living a healthy lifestyle. We all need breaks and rest from the mental and physical labor we do at work.
Furthermore, if you are attempting to remain competitive — either with your coworkers or other departments or companies — remember that rests and breaks help you build up the stamina to come back sharper and better able to adequately do your job.
In this way, taking the breaks available to you make you better at your work than someone who plows through and never takes time off.
4. Bring your lunch from home.
Not only is bringing your lunch from home a wise decision if you'd like to save money, but it will encourage healthier eating habits all around.
Dining out every day can cost you anywhere from $40-$70 per week, on average. That's up to $280 a month. Conversely, taking a bag lunch from home is much cheaper and enables you to cater your meal for a healthier diet.
Wellness Jobs
If you are neither an employer nor an employee looking to cultivate more wellness in the workplace, you may be someone who is interested in actually working in corporate welfare. In fact, there are numerous corporate wellness jobs available, and this sector can be advantageous and fulfilling to work in.
We'll discuss workplace wellness jobs more below, but for now, keep in mind that there are numerous jobs available in this industry. Many of them are offered within individual corporations and organizations, but you may also choose to work as a traveling corporate wellness consultant.
The latter enables you to consult with numerous companies on how to design and implement optimal health and wellness programs for their unique work environments.
Workplace Wellness: Best Practices
We take a closer look at some of the different corporate welfare practices that are on offer today which you both could and should take advantage of whenever possible. This ensures optimal health both mental and physical for yourself and improves workplace culture.
Mindfulness at work
Mindfulness is the practice of staying in the present moment, not lingering in the past or the future, and not letting your mind ruminate on worries or anxieties.
Mindfulness is about focusing on the here and now, your breath, your heartbeat, the fresh air on your cheek, the sound of a ticking clock, the taste of a warm cup of coffee.
There are always ways to be more mindful at work.
Start by learning how to slow down while you're at work. We are often frantic and stressed as we type emails, respond to messages, answer telephone calls, and try to get the bulk of our work done in a flurry of frenzied activity.
Make an effort to do one thing at a time. The antithesis of mindfulness is multitasking.
Next, set mindful reminders for yourself. For example, if you aim to be more mindful in your daily work life, you might set alarms throughout the day to remind yourself to stay in the present moment.
Or, as a peace activist and Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh suggests, you don’t have to let your telephone be a nuisance and tyrannize you every time it rings. Instead, make it a tool of mindfulness.
Thich Nhat Hanh says:
“The next time your phone rings, use it as a reminder to be mindful. Stay exactly where you are, and become aware of your breathing: Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. When the phone rings the second time, breathe again … continue practicing breathing, and then pick up the phone.”
Corporate yoga
Corporate yoga or workplace yoga is becoming increasingly common. This type of yoga is done in the workplace during the workday. Most of the time, individuals can choose to opt in either some or all of the time when corporate yoga classes are offered.
To facilitate a corporate yoga program at your company, you must have space where yoga can be practiced, and you must hire a corporate yoga instructor who can deliver class instruction on a regular or one-off basis.
Be sure that all employees are aware of when and where office yoga classes will be held so that they can plan their work ahead and have the right clothes to participate.
Why do corporate yoga?
Corporate yoga classes offer the perfect time for your employees to bond, relax, and cultivate a clearer mind. The time spent together in a peaceful, calming environment can help everyone connect in a unique and fun manner. Communication will improve, and it’s certainly a way for everyone to de-stress and decompress.
After a corporate yoga class, everyone should feel refreshed and ready to face the day — re-energized and ready to go!
Benefits of corporate yoga
Workplace yoga or office yoga can be done in a variety of ways. You may choose to invite a professional yoga instructor to conduct a one-off yoga at a work event, or you might have someone come in once a week or once a month regularly. Some companies even allow for employee-led yoga sessions.
Likewise, you can encourage corporate yoga practice individually as well. For example, educating your employees on how to do chair yoga or desk yoga can be useful when individuals want to practice specific poses on their own or just get some stretching in.
Desk yoga generally involves poses and movements that can be done right at or near your desk, even in tiny spaces. Chair yoga can literally be done in your chair. Such poses and exercises4 include:
The Chair Twist.
Open Chest Stretch.
Forward and Backward Shoulder Rolls.
Better At-Work Eating Habits
When we are excessively anxious or stressed, we tend to eat foods that are bad for us. For some, this is a nervous compulsion. Often, eating junk food like chips, cookies, and ice cream is a way to calm anxiety or feel good when we otherwise feel bad.
Because the workplace can often cause stress and anxiety, it’s no wonder that at-work eating behaviors are usually not very healthy behaviors.
As stated earlier, most people eat at least one third of all their meals at work. So, it can be advantageous to learn how to eat better while on-the-job. One way to do this is to start bringing your lunch to work instead of eating out every day. Here are some other tips:
Always have a water bottle with you. Sometimes, when you think you’re hungry, you’re really just thirsty. Be sure to stay hydrated.
Eat breakfast. A filling and nutritious meal first thing in the morning is the best way to give your body the energy it needs for the day.
Try not to snack throughout the day. Or, if you do snack, aim to make your meals as healthy as possible. Try veggies and dip, apples and peanut butter, hummus, and whole-grain pita chips, or a piece of fruit.
Limit your caffeine. Caffeine isn’t necessarily bad for you, but too many cups of coffee a day can leave you feeling tired and frazzled. Aim for two cups maximum, or dose down the caffeine by adding some decaf to your mix in the afternoon.
Integrating Physical Activities Into The Workday
Implementing an office yoga schedule into your workday is a great place to start in order to encourage more movement. Other ideas to increase daily physical activity include:
Walking meetings
Walking meetings are those that are held while you and others are walking outdoors. Walking meetings facilitate physical activity, and they also get you out into the fresh air.
The same goals can be accomplished in a walking meeting as can be accomplished in a regular meeting held in a corporate office or conference room, an excellent addition to worksite wellness programs.
Break walks
Have a break throughout the day. Instead of staying seated, get up and walk around. Even if it's for just five minutes to get a glass of water or snack from the break room, that small amount of activity will get your blood flowing and warm up your muscles.
Standing or walking instead of sitting
Whenever possible, try to stand instead of sit. Investing in a standing desk is certainly one option, but you could also simply stand when reviewing documents, when chatting with a coworker, or when talking on the phone. This will improve circulation and burn more calories as well.
Corporate Wellness Jobs
Are you considering a career in corporate wellness? Are health and wellness programs your passion? This line of work can be extraordinarily rewarding and fulfilling.
What a career in corporate wellness entails
You’ve undoubtedly heard about companies that offer on-site meditation rooms, organic snack bars, and decked-out lunch rooms with gourmet meals. At these workplaces, managers care how well fed and nourished you are, whether you got your minimum number of steps in, and how well you’re adjusting to your office space.
Unlike other work environments, you’re encouraged to take breaks, go for walks, and chit-chat with your co-workers.
Sounds pretty great, right?
One of the truly great things to remember about such workplaces is that these incentives and programs didn’t form out of thin air. Instead, someone had to come up with them! And that someone undoubtedly worked in the field of corporate wellness, looking after the much lower health care costs and benefits of their employees.
A corporate wellness career is an excellent choice for someone who’s just starting out or looking to change vocations. Such a job can come in a number of shapes and sizes. You may work on-site with one particular company, for example, or you may work independently, traveling to several different companies who act as your clients.
Lastly, it’s not uncommon to have your own corporate wellness business, allowing clients to come to you for consultations and advice on wellness programs at work.
Working in this field has a variety of benefits. You’ll get the opportunity to collaborate with a wide range of people, and you’ll have the advantage of being able to help improve public health and the physical and mental well-being of many people as well.
In this regard, you must have a wide range of skills under your belt. If you are interested in such an occupation, here are some qualifications you should have:
The appropriate certification(s), if necessary.
Great interpersonal skills.
Strong attention to detail
Good oral skills.
Ability to be confidential as you may be speaking about and handling sensitive personal information.
Familiarity with HIPAA rules and regulations.
Ability to wear many hats, be creative, and juggle multiple projects at once.
Ability to handle tight deadlines.
The capacity to inspire change in people is a unique and specialized skill you'll need to have as well. If a career in corporate wellness sounds compelling to you, consider applying to related programs at colleges and universities in your area. Some corporations and companies also offer in-house employee assistance programs and certifications.
Switching To My Virtual Workplace
In these challenging times, more and more companies have started to switch to a virtual workplace, allowing their staff to work remotely from home. Now more than ever, having fundamental workplace wellness in place is essential.
By working remotely, you miss out on the workplace culture and the daily social interactions that you have with your colleagues. Something that every human needs. Working from home it's challenging to replace that workplace culture, even if you have recurrent video calls through programs such as zoom, skype, and other applications.
This puts an entirely new spin on professionalism at the workplace, as you need to have both the integrity and self-discipline to ensure that you keep a high level of professionalism at the workplace, despite working from home.
Working from home has both its ups and downs. You can avoid a toxic working environment by distancing yourself from the toxic element. But now you have to deal with a brand new working environment and a new set of challenges, which will take time to adjust to.
Workplace Communication
As mentioned, working remotely comes with its own sets of challenges, and workplace communication is one of these. Previously when you needed something, you could just turn around or walk over to your colleague’s desk and discuss the matter then and there.
Now you have to reach out using the method that the company has selected as the primary workplace communication tool. Your colleague might not be at the computer at the time you send your questions, as they could have stepped away for a minute.
These tiny things can cause stress and anxiety when you are unable to get answers to your questions. What you need to remember is that these are things that are out of your control and nothing you should get worked up about. Don't forget, respect at the workplace, especially now, is paramount as we all cope with the situations in different ways.
Respect at the workplace has always been and will always be a cornerstone in how you treat your co-workers, but empathy during this moment in time and showing respect has never been more critical.
If you still were to get stressed out, use one of the many breathing techniques available to help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety. Box breathing is an excellent example of such a breathing exercise.
Workplace Ethics and Wellness
Despite working remotely, there are still some workplace ethics that need to be followed both by you as an employee and also by your employer. Implementing a corporate wellness program has never been more critical to ensure workplace safety and wellness but also the employee's mental health in the workplace.
These stressful times will put a strain on even the most stress-tolerant employee and ensuring robust mental health in the workplace should be one of the major factors that your employer focuses on.
An employee health program and employee health is paramount for any company that wishes to survive but also to keep their employees happy, motivated and productive.
With more and more working remotely or from home, digital employee health programs are becoming more available. If your company has not offered you this, make sure to ask about it.
Working remotely does take its toll, and to keep a healthy balance, you should participate in something to keep your body and mind activated. This could be online pilates or yoga, unwind your mind sessions, or learning different breathing exercises. It is in the employer’s best interest to also improve employee health, wellness and well-being.
This should already be a workplace option, if it is not, speak to your manager and ask if this is an available option for you.
Workplace Culture
Companies do face a challenge when it comes to workplace culture, with so many of their employees working remotely. For them to offer an employee wellness program is one way to ensure the workplace culture remains a priority. But also ensuring the well-being of their staff through this employee wellness program.
Especially, when it comes to mental health in the workplace, due to a lack of the social interactions we usually have.
Even if physical health is still a significant factor in worksite wellness programs, One should not forget mental health in the workplace.
Things have been turned upside-down, and the effect it has on the individual varies from person to person. If you feel that you are impacted by the situation, don't be afraid to bring it up. Reach out to your manager or HR.
Unwind your mind sessions could be an excellent tool to help you cope with what is going on.
Take advantage of the health and wellness benefits that your company offers, especially working from home. These are there for you to feel better, enjoy work more, and, of course, improve productivity.
Workplace Wellness: Frequently Asked Questions
How do you promote health and well-being in the workplace?
To promote health and well-being in the workplace, within whatever wellness program you plan to implement, consider including the following:
Fitness trackers.
Water bottles to promote good hydration.
Yoga mats for a corporate yoga class.
Paid fitness memberships.
Access to health advice call-lines.
Healthy at-work snacks.
Outdoor seating areas.
Quiet places at work to meditate.
What are workplace wellness activities?
You can choose any health-inspired activity to be a workplace wellness activity. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Meditation breaks.
Walking meetings.
Mid-day corporate yoga classes.
Mid-day fitness classes.
Mid-day meditation classes.
Healthy cooking classes.
Mindfulness practice education.
Unique fitness challenges, such as measuring how far everyone walks in a month.
What is the goal of a wellness program?
The main goal of any wellness program should be to improve the health and well-being of every employee, from the lowest-level worker to top-level management and the CEO.
Secondary goals of wellness programs should be to reduce absenteeism, increase creativity, increase productivity, improve staff morale, keep health care costs and reduce the frequency of health insurance claims.
What should a wellness program include?
The majority of workplace wellness programs include some sort of plan or strategy to improve healthy eating habits, encourage physical movement, and reduce stress. Examples of this include yoga, and pilates.
However, it’s okay to get creative with your own wellness program. For example, you might consider trying to have on site fitness programs to help your employees with:
Weight loss.
Quitting smoking.
Get more and better sleep.
Drink more water.
Achieve a particular fitness goal (like running a 5k).
Do workplace wellness programs work?
It’s not a guarantee that implementing a workplace wellness program is going to provide substantial results. However, there are steps that both employers and employees can take to improve the likelihood of success.
Here are the best ways that a wellness program can lead to positive results and concrete benefits:
Create opportunities for an array of wellness activities at work.
Provide healthy food and make it readily available.
Offer incentives for wellness steps taken.
Motivate employees to take time off (use their vacation days).
Do wellness programs use fitness trackers?
Yes, they do. Handing out fitness trackers can make some wellness incentives easier to follow. For example, if you want to incentivize getting more steps throughout the day or drinking more water.
However, if you choose to allow your employees to make their own fitness goals or if the wellness goals you want aren’t measurable with a tracker, you don’t have to use them.
Better Living Through At-Work Wellness
Workplace wellness is now a pillar of organizational success and corporate culture.
Cultivating a wellness-based environment in your workplace will benefit both you and your employees. Instead of merely witnessing unhealthy workplace habits and doing nothing, employers can take action and improve their work environments to promote better living.
Likewise, employees themselves can act to improve their health behaviors while at work — packing their lunches from home, taking walks during break time, or finding moments throughout the day for meditation or yoga. Lastly, for those who are genuinely motivated with the idea of promoting wellness at work, a possible career in workplace wellness may be just the ticket.
A final important point to keep in mind is that workplace wellness doesn’t have to be overwhelming and monumental with regard to the breadth of change.
Even if you simply instill a few changes — even just one — to increase the promotion of good health, and well-being, that is an excellent place to start.
After all, as the ancient Chinese philosopher and writer famously said:
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
- Lao Tzu
Workplace Health Program Definition and Description | CDC
Employee Burnout, Part 1: The 5 Main Causes
Workplace Wellness Programs Study - PMC
Workplace Wellness Programs Can Generate Savings | Health Affairs
The contents of this article are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any health-related changes or if you have any questions or concerns about your health. Anahana is not liable for any errors, omissions, or consequences that may occur from using the information provided.

By: Clint Johnson
Clint is the driving force and founder of Anahana. Clint teaches Yoga, Pilates, mindful breathing, and meditation, catering to a global community of students and teachers.