Meriah McCauley
Meriah McCauley is passionate about the art and science of holistic health and healing. She explored the power of yoga through working with her mentor and guru Dr. Don Stapleton in Costa Rica. She also received a Masters in Psychology from Columbia University, specializing in Spirituality and the MindBody connection. Meriah now offers coaching, yoga teacher trainings, and Holotropic Breathwork for personal development. She loves to connect with those on this path.

Kapalabhati Breathing
Kapalabhati breathing, or the breath of fire, is a cleansing technique meant to bring the body back to proper homeostasis through yogic breathing.... Read more

Pranayama Breathing
Pranayama, a fundamental part of yoga practice. Harness the power of breathing to improve your well-being. Pranayama Breathing Explained Pranayama... Read more

Ujjayi Breathing
One of the most prevalent forms of pranayama, the benefits of ujjayi breathing include improving concentration and relaxation. Due to its sound, it’s... Read more

Holotropic Breathing
Holotropic breathing is a therapeutic breathing practice designed to help people with personal and spiritual development by entering into an altered... Read more

Alternate Nostril Breathing
Alternate nostril breathing is a very common traditional yogic breathing technique. It is also referred to as Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, where Nadis... Read more